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255 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
United States


Directions アクセス

Directions アクセス

日米合同教会  The Japanese American United Church
255 Seventh Avenue (bet. 24th and 25th St.) New York, New York, 10001
Tel (212) 242-9444, Fax (212) 242-5274

By subway In NYC: 
1 train (7th Ave. Line) to 23rd St. Walk north to 24th St.
F or M train (6th Ave. Line) to 23rd St. Walk west to 7th Ave., make a right, walk north to 24th St.
E or C train (8th Ave. Line) to 23rd St. Walk east to 7th Ave., make a left, walk north to 24th St.
R or W train (Broadway Line) to 23rd St. Walk west to 7th Ave., make a right, walk north to 24th St.
6 train (Lexington Ave Line) to 23rd St. Walk west to 7th Ave., make a right, walk north to 24th St.

RかWライン(ブロードウエイ線)の地下鉄で、23丁目駅下車。 7番街との交差点まで歩き右折、24丁目方向に向かい徒歩3分のところにあります。
6ライン(レクシントン線)の地下鉄で、23丁目駅下車。 7番街との交差点まで歩き右折、24丁目方向に向かい徒歩3分のところにあります。