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Haruyama Scholarship 春山ジャスティン奨学金

Rev. Justin Haruyama

Rev. Justin Haruyama

Justin and Sara Haruyama Scholarship Fund
春山ジャスティンとサラ奨学金 (Letter)

Haruyama Scholarship application for 2025-26 (Word)(PDF)

Why the Fund?

There lies a great challenge in ministering to the spiritual needs of people in ethic churches such as the Japanese American Protestant churches. The uniqueness and special religious needs of the Japanese churches are derived from their bicultural heritage and character, and there is an increasingly intensive search for men and women who can provide effective leadership for these congregations.

Who is Justin Haruyama?

Justin Haruyama was pastor of the Japanese American United Church from 1972 to his death in 1980. His ministry spanned two continents. One of his fondest hopes was that more young people would enter the ministry to prepare for ministry in Japanese American churches. To commemorate his life and work in the ministry, his family, friends and parishioners contributed towards establishing the Justin Haruyama ministerial Scholarship Fund. Scholarship recipients are now serving as pastors, teachers, chaplains and missionaries both in the United States and abroad.

What is offered?

Scholarships are awarded each year. In all cases, the Justin Haruyama Ministerial Scholarship Fund Selection Committee, administered by the New York-Connecticut Foundation of the United Methodist Church, make the awards.

Who can apply?

The scholarship is offered to persons of Japanese ancestry, including those who were born in Japan and have obtained permanent residency status in Japan, accepted or enrolled full time in an accredited Protestant seminary in the United States, and preparing for ministerial degrees who intend to serve Japanese American congregations or other church related ministries.

How can students apply?

Applications may be obtained by writing to the Haruyama Ministerial Scholarship Fund at the listed address.

Applications must be completed and received by May 31st.

Who can help?

All persons concerned about ministry through Japanese American churches can help in several ways.

You can help by publicizing the Justin Haruyama Ministerial Scholarship and informing seminary students who are preparing for the ministry. You can alert us of seminaries or schools that have not heard of the Haruyama Scholarship or who have not received our brochures. You can also support this program by making a tax deductible contribution for which we shall be most grateful.

Justin Haruyama Ministerial Scholarship Fund
c/o Japanese American United Church
Phone: 212-242-9444
Fax: 212-242-5274

Deadline for application is May 31st, 2025 (Word) (PDF)

春山スカラーシップ 北米の神学校で学ばれている神学生を支援するためのジャスティン春山奨学金の申請申し込み締め切りが近づいています。同奨学金は、特に将来米国で日本人を対象とするミニストリーに携わるために準備中の神学生を対象とするものです。詳細はウェッブサイトをご参照下さい。応募締め切りは5月31日です。