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255 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
United States


Home ホーム

Welcome to JAUC!

EVERY Sunday @ 11AM 


This Sunday’s Worship service will be 11AM on Sunday, Mar 9.

次回の日曜礼拝の日時は 3月9日 (日) 午前 11 時です。

To view the worship service via YouTube Live, click on the below button.

礼拝の様子はYouTube Liveでもご視聴できます。ご覧になるには,下のCLICK HERE TO JOINをクリックして下さい。

For over 100 years, JAUC has been faithfully serving a diversity of people with Japanese backgrounds living in the New York City area. We are a caring family of Christ and invite you to join us through Sunday services and other ministries of the church.

JAUC is a bilingual congregation that offers Sunday services in both English and Japanese. We have a variety of group activities conducted in either one or both languages.

Our congregation includes: Japanese-speaking pioneer Isseis; English-speaking Niseis and Sanseis; newly arrived Japanese immigrants; Japanese businessmen and businesswomen; college students from Japan; and others who share an affinity with Japanese culture and Christian community

More about our beliefs . . .The Four Spiritual Laws





日米合同教会の歴史は、1893 年(明治26 年)に日本人伝道者岡島金弥がニューヨーク市ブルックリン区にて福音伝道を始めた時代まで遡ることができます。大戦後、1953 年(昭和 28 年)に当時ニューヨークにあった3つの日系人教会が一緒になり、日米合同基督教會(現日米合同教会)が誕生しました。2003 年9 月に、創立 110 周年、合同 50 周年の記念行事が催されました。

More about our beliefs . . . Four Spiritual Laws in Japanese

JAUC is Celebrating 125 Years of Ministry in NYC!

Haruyama Scholarship application for 2025-26 (Letter(Word) (PDF)

Mission Statement
JAUC is a Christian community seeking to reach out, especially to Japanese and those who are interested in Japan in the greater New York City area, with the purpose of sharing faith in Christ and growing together in Christian discipleship through worship, fellowship, study, evangelism and mission.

Our Denominations 
The Reformed Church in America:;
The United Methodist Church:

“Together, the Body of Christ; 
Individually, Its Parts ”
- I Corinthians 12:27

JAUC is officially affiliated with the Reformed Church in America and the United Methodist Church. We are not affiliated with Jehova’s Witnesses, the Unification church (Moonies), Mormons, nor any other cult groups.